Our Partner In Charity
The Fisher DeBerry Foundation is a tax exempt, nonprofit organization dedicated to the support and education of single moms and their children, as well as other charitable causes.
Founded by legendary and all-time winningest United States Air Force Academy Head Football Coach Fisher DeBerry and his wife Lu Ann, The Fisher DeBerry Foundation provides support for parenting development, mentoring programs, after school activities and funding for academic scholarships.
sponsorship opportunities
Presenting Sponsor
Here’s what’s included with your sponsorship
- One table of 12 (with a coach and guest) at the dinner – top location
- An additional table of 10 at dinner
- Logo or name listed prominently on SouthCarolinaCoaches.com
- Corporate logo or name on official Event Ticket
- Corporate logo or name on cover of Official Event Program
- One Full-Page Advertisement in the Official Event Program
- Complimentary drinks during event
- Listing in Official Event Program
- Recognition by the Master of Ceremonies
platinum sponsor
Here’s what’s included with your sponsorship
- One table of 12 (two seats for coach, or VIP, and guest) at the dinner
- Corporate logo or name listed on SouthCarolinaCoaches.com
- One Half-Page Advertisement in the Official Event Program
- Listing in Official Event Program
- Recognition by the Master of Ceremonies